Go BIG or Go Home
What Happens When A Small-Town Family Visits The "World's Largest"... Whatever!

World’s Largest Bubble Bath, Bloomington, MN

Alright, before we get to the bubbly fun, a couple of exciting announcements I wanted to share!

Yours truly is the newest regular blogger at FamilyVacationCritic.com, a great site for family-friendly travel information! I’ll be sharing our BIG experiences there, too! This is the first post, an interview.

I was also happy to discover that Go BIG or Go Home was featured last week on SixSuitcaseTravel.com, a travel planning website for families with three or more children! Why not? BIG families+BIG things = BIG vacation fun!

So, we weren’t actually IN the world’s largest bubble bath. We weren’t even in the same state. (Sniff.) But, several of my favorite family travel bloggers were in Bloomington, MN last weekend to participate in this one-time event. Thanks to Jody at Family Rambling for providing these photos and info!

Mr bubble


It was a party for Mr. Bubble’s 50th birthday, which was held at the Waterpark of America. Mr. Bubble bubble bath is manufactured by The Village Company in nearby Chaska, MN.

The World’s Largest Bubble Bath was 11 feet high, 16 feet long, and six feet wide. An estimated 2,000 people filled the 2,800 square feet of bubble play area to help Mr. Bubble celebrate his birthday.

Linda from Travels with Children and Beth from The Vacation Gals were also there, and shared similarly sudsy stories!

Mr. Bubble was one of the first products to be marketed to kids and advertised during Saturday morning cartoons. Do you remember the commercials? I remember quite a few, like Tootsie Pop and Life cereal, but not this one. However, I just realized last night that we have a bottle of Mr. Bubble (50th birthday edition) in our tub for The Girl’s baths!

bubble bath


  1. joanne said,
    June 20, 2011 @ 8:09 am

    Great news Traci! congrats! great story about the bubble bath as well…

  2. Terry said,
    June 20, 2011 @ 8:14 am

    Congrats on Family Vacation Critic.com! You will be a great addition to this family travel site.

  3. Mike said,
    June 20, 2011 @ 2:02 pm

    Congratulations on your new post. It seems like it will be right up your alley.

  4. Cassie said,
    July 15, 2011 @ 11:16 am

    You should go to the world’s largest buffalo located in Jamestown, ND. It’s only about 5.5 hours from the Twin Cities, if you haven’t been there already.

    • Traci Suppa said,
      July 15, 2011 @ 9:04 pm

      Thanks, Cassie; that sounds cool! We’re actually in NY, and got this report from some other blogger friends!