Go BIG or Go Home
What Happens When A Small-Town Family Visits The "World's Largest"... Whatever!

PHOTO FRIDAY — Holy Macaroni!

The Girl was really using her noodle when she found this sculpture outside Faneuil Hall in Boston during our August visit!

Macaroni and cheese

Yes, in fact we DO love it. It’s one of her main food groups.

The enormous elbow was created as part of a 2010 Kraft public art project, the Homestyle Tour, to promote a new variety of macaroni and cheese. Identical sculptures — 20 feet long x 9 feet high — showed up in a number of other cities as well, including Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles.

One of our favorite road trip travel blogs — Roadside Wonders — was way ahead of us in finding these magnified macaronis!


  1. October 20, 2012 @ 1:16 am

    At first I thought it was a big banana….It IS big!

  2. Janet said,
    October 22, 2012 @ 6:40 pm

    Wow! Now, I’m hungry for homemade mac & cheese…
    Have a great week!

  3. Jim said,
    October 23, 2012 @ 12:11 am

    I thought it was a banana.

  4. Molly said,
    October 23, 2012 @ 5:58 am

    I have heard that you love your Mac and cheese in the USA…. I didn’t know you made sculptures for it though. Excellent image… made me smile.
