Go BIG or Go Home
What Happens When A Small-Town Family Visits The "World's Largest"... Whatever!

Where is it? Wednesday

We haven’t had a Where is it? Wednesday in a while! This time, we have a guest contributing to the fun! Many thanks to Sarah at Wandering Off, a family travel blog which focuses on offbeat adventures, like seeing the world’s largest pecan! (See, I’m not the only one who likes the BIG stuff!)

Behold…the world’s largest cowboy boots!! Sarah tells me that these 40-ft tall cowboy boots were built in the 70’s, but were moved to their current home in 1980.

cowboy boots

World's Largest Cowboy Boots!


HINT #1: They can be seen from I-410.

HINT #2: Mr. Go BIG was supposed to get this photo himself when he was there this summer on a business trip. He didn’t. Said he was too busy working. Whatever.

So, where are they?? Ten points to the first person to get it right!


  1. Fiona said,
    September 14, 2011 @ 6:20 am

    Without checking google I am guessing somewhere crazy – Dollywood? Maybe not that would be a different world’s biggest 😉

  2. September 14, 2011 @ 8:23 am

    San Antonio, Texas!!!!!

    WOO HOO!!!


    • Traci Suppa said,
      September 14, 2011 @ 9:02 pm

      Ten points for you Rebecca! Thanks for playing!

  3. Paula said,
    September 14, 2011 @ 12:13 pm

    North Star Mall, of course! Love’ em, they make me smile everytime! BIG boots for a BIG state with a BIG heart! 🙂

    • Traci Suppa said,
      September 14, 2011 @ 9:03 pm

      Everything really IS bigger in Texas! Ten points for you too, Paula! 🙂